Friday, May 09, 2008

Busy week

Last Friday I finished my final full semester in completing my Bachelors Degree. It has only taken my 11 years to get this far. I decided that since it did take me so long to get my degree, that I would continue on and get my Masters.

So, this week I registered to take the GRE. I scheduled it far enough out that I have plenty of time to study, September 26. Now of course comes the study part...which isn't not fun. I went out and bought some books to help me study. So far they are nothing but discouraging.

Who knew that I would be so horrible at antonyms, analogies and math (well, the math part I knew...). Four months and counting to beef up my knowledge of all things standardized! It should be fun.

Oh and I start my last semester in a little over a week. Should be a fun summer!

If anyone has any helpful suggestions on studying for a standardized test, I would love to hear your ideas! :-)

1 comment:

Off the Curve said...

I've thought about taking the GRE at least 3 different times, but I've never been able to get though the studying. So then I found a master's program that didn't require the GRE, and I couldn't get through the application. I guess I'm not meant to apply to grad school just yet.