Friday, January 19, 2007

Fake Snow!

I moved to NY with the promise of snow and lots of it...I feel betrayed...
There is no snow is fake snow, the type of snow that fell in PA. As a child I suffered all of those types when snow was promised, by the feet, only to wake up the next morning to look out my window at the cold bleak brownish-green grass...not a blanket of fresh white snow. I am having those same feelings of disappointment now. As I sit here typing this, it is snowing, but I can tell, it won't last. The flakes are big and slow...not the heavy downpour of snow during a blizzard, the type of snow that lasts for days leaving over a foot or more of fluffy white snow. This is crappy fake snow and I don't like it. Everyone keeps telling me to wait for PA by March it was time to get out the shorts cause winter was over...I will wait for March, but I am not happy about it, not one bit. ;-)

Stupid fake snow...getting my hopes up for school cancellation...and days of building snow men in the front yard and having snowball fights with the neighborhood boys...only to leave me sitting in class angry at the false promises.

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