Monday, February 12, 2007

the world works in some stupid ass ways...

So, as I said in my earlier post for today (hell yes, that is two posts in ONE day!!), working sucks. In desperate need for money I took a crap job working at a place that sells bagels and coffee...this job is paying me a little less than half the money I made at my old really shitty I took one hell of a pay cut and instead of sitting behind a nice computer in a comfy chair where I have the ability to pee on my own schedule, I am standing all day, burning the heck out of my fingertips, coming home smelling like is where the world works in strange ways part...
Today, the first day of my crappy new job, I got a phone call from a company that wants to interview me for a job similar to my last job (hopefully minus the insane people), paying more than I made before...why today?! Why after months of searching for a job do I start a job, only to have the hope that a better job is only a few days away...the world works in some stupid ass ways...
Wish me luck, keep your fingers crossed...I may have an interview for this job by the end of the week!!!

Honestly, I have felt so worthless the past few weeks...then to have to take a job slicing bagels really made me feel like one hell of a big loser. Not that selling bagels makes a person a loser, but I worked for a huge multi-million dollar company, as a senior level associate, I made enough money to pay my bills, buy all my beauty products from Sephora and shop at any store I wanted just kind of sucked to have to take a job that wouldn't allow for that same kind of life. That and I, aside from the insane treatment at my last job, really did like what I did...

It would just be nice not to feel so worthless... :-)
So fingers crossed that this works!!


Anonymous said...

multi-million nothing. try 2 TRILLION dollars in gross. that's scary money.

Off the Curve said...
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Off the Curve said...

Dammit. I messed that up. Anyway, what I meant to say:

I believe the term you're looking for is "F-you money."

My employer is a piker compared to that; we had a mere $34 billion gross last year. We're happy to find ways to part you from your discretionary income, though.

But congrats to C on the job (or at least the paycheck), and I hope the interview happens.